Japan-New Zealand
Agriculture, Food, Forestry & Fisheries Innovations and Technologies
Joint Hybrid Event
9.00am (JPT)/1.00pm (NZT) – 1.00pm (JPT)/5.00pm (NZT)
Friday 2 December 2022
Topic:  Metabolites and Breeding


この度、ニュージーランド大使館、公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会、「知」の集積と活用の場® 産学官連携協議会の3団体の共催により、12月2日(金)に、「代謝と育種」をテーマとしたオンラインイベントを開催します。

1. 概要

「代謝と育種(Metabolites and Breeding)」というテーマで、ニュージーランドと日本の研究者・研究機関等の発表および意見交換を通じた技術交流を行います。なお、この後のステップとして、連携や共同研究の可能性模索、「知」の集積と活用の場の新規研究開発プラットフォーム立上げ等、継続的な関係性構築が期待されます。

2. 開催日時・場所等

日時 2022年12月2日(金) 9:00~13:00
場所 駐日ニュージーランド大使館/オンライン(ニュージーランド・日本)のハイブリッド
参加者 ニュージーランドの大学・研究機関・企業、日本農芸化学会会員、「知」の集積と活用の場産学官連携協議会員
言語 英語
オンライン接続情報 オンライン接続情報(PDF)
配布資料 配布資料(ZipPass)

3. プログラム

Programme Schedule
Co-Chairs:  AGP Chair (Mr Patrick English) and FKII Secretariat

Zoom link opens:
8.30am 12.30pm New Zealand time
Zoom link open, participant can join and test connection.
Welcome (1pm NZ time):
9.00am New Zealand Embassy, David Allen, Counsellor (Primary Industries)
Opening remarks (1.05pm NZ time):
9.05am Speaker:  Dr Asahi MATSUYAMA, Director, Council of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration, Director, Executive Cooperate Officer, Kikkoman Co. President, Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agro-chemistry (JSBBA)
Topic: Opening remarks and introduction to JSBBA and FKII
Keynote speakers (1.15pm NZ time):
9.15am Speaker:  Professor Kumi YOSHIDA, Nagoya University
Topic: Close relationship between Japan and New Zealand on polyphenol research
9.30am Speaker (1.30pm NZ time): Dr Kevin Davies, Plant & Food Research
Topic:  Plant metabolites
Session I (1.45 pm NZ time): New Zealand Presentations:
9.45am Co-chair:  Pat English, 
Chair, Agriculture Growth Partnership, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand
9.55am Speaker (1.55pm NZ time) : Dr Karl Fraser, Senior Scientist, Smart Foods and Bio Products, AgResearch
Topic:  Metabolomics across the agricultural value-chain: from farm to fork
10.10am Speaker (2.10pm NZ time): Dr Alvin Setiawan, National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
Topic:  Breeding for finfish aquaculture
10.25am Speaker (2.25pm NZ time):  Dr Lynette Brownfield, Department of Biochemistry at the University of Otago
Topic:  Plant reproductive biology and food metabolites
10.40am Speaker (2.40pm NZ time): David Chagne, Science Group Leader, Plant and Food Research 
Topic: Breeding Technologies
10.55am Question & Answer session (2.55pm NZ time)
11.10am BREAK (15 minutes)
Session II (3.25pm NZ time): Japan Presentations:
11.25am Co-chair:  FKII Secretariat
11.35am Speaker (3.35pm NZ time):  Professor Shinichi YONEKURA, Shinshu University
Topic:  Sustainable milk production from a lactation biology perspective
11.50pm Speaker (3.50pm NZ time):  Professor Takafumi GOTOH, Hokkaido University
Topic:  Potential of Grass-fed Wagyu and Application of Epigenetics in Beef Production
12.05pm Speaker (4.05pm NZ time):  Honorary Distinguished Professor Hirokazu KAWAGISHI, Shizuoka University.
Topic:  Fairy chemicals as a candidate for a new family of plant hormones and the possibility to use them in agriculture
12.20pm Speaker (4.20pm NZ time): Professor Tadao ASAMI, the University of Tokyo
Topic:   Chemical regulation of plant hormone strigolactone in rice and genome editing
12.35pm Question & Answer session (4.35pm NZ time) (15 minutes)
Closing remarks:
12.50pm Speakers:  Mr Pat English and Mr Takeshi OKUMA (Director of Business-Academia Cooperation Office, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan) 
1:00pm Event end (5.00pm NZ time)

4. オンライン参加申込要領

参加費用 無料
参加方法 以下の申込フォームより事前申込ください。
申込締切 2022年11月25日(金) ※終了しました。
問い合わせ先 日本農芸化学会事務局 kouen●jsbba.or.jp
